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idstringUnique identifier for the role.
namestringName of the role.
descriptionstringDescription of the role.
capabilitiesarrayList of capabilities associated with this role. Valid values are
### Data Management
- viewCollectors
- manageCollectors
- manageBudgets
- manageDataVolumeFeed
- viewFieldExtraction
- manageFieldExtractionRules
- manageS3DataForwarding
- manageContent
- dataVolumeIndex
- manageConnections
- viewScheduledViews
- manageScheduledViews
- viewPartitions
- managePartitions
- viewFields
- manageFields
- viewAccountOverview
- manageTokens
- downloadSearchResults

### Entity management
- manageEntityTypeConfig

### Metrics
- metricsTransformation
- metricsExtraction
- metricsRules

### Security
- managePasswordPolicy
- ipAllowlisting
- createAccessKeys
- manageAccessKeys
- manageSupportAccountAccess
- manageAuditDataFeed
- manageSaml
- shareDashboardOutsideOrg
- manageOrgSettings
- changeDataAccessLevel

### Dashboards
- shareDashboardWorld
- shareDashboardAllowlist

### UserManagement
- manageUsersAndRoles

### Observability
- searchAuditIndex
- auditEventIndex

### Cloud SIEM Enterprise
- viewCse

### Alerting
- viewMonitorsV2
- manageMonitorsV2
- viewAlerts
modifiedBystringIdentifier of the user who last modified the resource.
systemDefinedbooleanRole is system or user defined.
autofillDependenciesbooleanSet this to true if you want to automatically append all missing capability requirements. If set to false an error will be thrown if any capabilities are missing their dependencies.
usersarrayList of user identifiers to assign the role to.
createdAtstringCreation timestamp in UTC in RFC3339 format.
filterPredicatestringA search filter to restrict access to specific logs. The filter is silently added to the beginning of each query a user runs. For example, using '!_sourceCategory=billing' as a filter predicate will prevent users assigned to the role from viewing logs from the source category named 'billing'.
createdBystringIdentifier of the user who created the resource.
modifiedAtstringLast modification timestamp in UTC.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getRoleSELECTid, regionGet a role with the given identifier in the organization.
listRolesSELECTregionGet a list of all the roles in the organization. The response is paginated with a default limit of 100 roles per page.
createRoleINSERTdata__name, regionCreate a new role in the organization.
deleteRoleDELETEid, regionDelete a role with the given identifier from the organization.
updateRoleEXECid, data__capabilities, data__description, data__filterPredicate, data__name, data__users, regionUpdate an existing role in the organization.