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idstringUnique identifier of the SAML Identity Provider.
assertionConsumerUrlstringThe URL on Sumo Logic where the IdP will redirect to with its authentication response.
authnRequestUrlstringThe URL that the identity provider has assigned for Sumo Logic to submit SAML authentication requests to the identity provider.
certificatestringAuthentication Request Signing Certificate for the user.
configurationNamestringName of the SSO policy or another name used to describe the policy internally.
createdAtstringCreation timestamp in UTC in RFC3339 format.
createdBystringIdentifier of the user who created the resource.
debugModebooleanTrue if additional details are included when a user fails to sign in.
disableRequestedAuthnContextbooleanTrue if Sumo Logic will include the RequestedAuthnContext element of the SAML AuthnRequests it sends to the identity provider.
emailAttributestringThe email address of the new user account.
entityIdstringA unique identifier that is the intended audience of the SAML assertion.
isRedirectBindingbooleanTrue if the SAML binding is of HTTP Redirect type.
issuerstringThe unique URL assigned to the organization by the SAML Identity Provider.
logoutEnabledbooleanTrue if users are redirected to a URL after signing out of Sumo Logic.
logoutUrlstringThe URL that users will be redirected to after signing out of Sumo Logic.
modifiedAtstringLast modification timestamp in UTC.
modifiedBystringIdentifier of the user who last modified the resource.
rolesAttributestringThe role that Sumo Logic will assign to users when they sign in.
signAuthnRequestbooleanTrue if Sumo Logic will send signed Authn requests to the identity provider.
spInitiatedLoginEnabledbooleanTrue if Sumo Logic redirects users to your identity provider with a SAML AuthnRequest when signing in.
spInitiatedLoginPathstringThis property has been deprecated and is no longer used.
x509cert1stringThe certificate is used to verify the signature in SAML assertions.
x509cert2stringThe backup certificate used to verify the signature in SAML assertions when x509cert1 expires.
x509cert3stringThe backup certificate used to verify the signature in SAML assertions when x509cert1 expires and x509cert2 is empty.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getIdentityProvidersSELECTregionGet a list of all SAML configurations in the organization.
createIdentityProviderINSERTdata__configurationName, data__issuer, data__x509cert1, regionCreate a new SAML configuration in the organization.
deleteIdentityProviderDELETEid, regionDelete a SAML configuration with the given identifier from the organization.
updateIdentityProviderEXECid, data__configurationName, data__issuer, data__x509cert1, regionUpdate an existing SAML configuration in the organization.